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clever girl iphone case
While he promised that the Defense Department, which is the largest license holder of government owned spectrum, would clear or move off some spectrum to make room for commercial use, he also emphasized the prospect of sharing spectrum with commercial providers. This is an idea that has been pushed recently by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, the government agency in charge of overseeing wireless spectrum allocated to government agencies, and the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST). These agencies have been reviewing ways in which government spectrum can be used to help alleviate the "spectrum crunch" facing commercial wireless providers.
In a report issued earlier this year, NTIA said it could cost $18 billion to completely clear the 1755MHz to 1855MHz spectrum band, which is the sliver of spectrum that is most attractive to commercial wireless broadband providers, Wheeler reiterated the clever girl iphone case NTIA's findings, stating that it could be too expensive for the Defense Department to relocate its applications and services to other frequencies in order to give the wireless industry a completely cleared band of spectrum, And he noted that the government and the wireless industry would have to work together to come up with creative solutions to this problem..
"There isn't one solution to clearing this spectrum," he said. "There will be some vacating, but that can be expensive. As an example, he described the difficulties that in relocating spectrum that is used for a satellite application that the Defense Department uses to train fighter pilots. He called the application "Top Gun on steroids" and said it was one of the most important training programs the government has in place. But he explained there was a problem. As he put it, the spectrum used for this satellite application is "smack dab in the middle" of the spectrum the agency is looking to clear for commercial wireless use.
And he explained that early assessments indicate it would be too expensive and take too long for the agency to move to a different frequency to make this spectrum available to commercial wireless providers, "It's difficult if you have a satellite that's been up for 10 or 15 years," he said, "You can't change the transmit and receivers in space, So unless you want to pay to change out the equipment on the satellite you need to come up with something different."The something clever girl iphone case different, he explained is to share some slivers of spectrum with commercial wireless operators..
There are three main types of sharing his agency is proposing. There's geographic sharing in which the Defense Department would continue to use its applications in certain locations in a discrete area and would allow commercial providers to use the spectrum in areas where it is not using the spectrum. There's also time-shifted sharing, which will allow commercial providers to use spectrum during certain periods of time when the government is not using a particular sliver of spectrum. And the final type of sharing is what he called "true sharing" or cognitive sharing. In this scenario, special technology is used to sniff the airwaves to ensure that applications designed to use the same frequencies of spectrum are not using them at the same time and intefereing with each other.
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